Havelock North Business Association
Hello from the Havelock North Business Association
The Havelock North Business Association was formed in 1997, and is a non-profit incorporated society, separate to Hastings District Council (HDC) or any other corporate body. The Business Improvement District was formed in 2022 and is funded by a BID target rate, collected on commercial buildings within the rateable area (see membership inclusion zone below). The Association board is made up of owners and representatives of a number of businesses in Havelock North, Hawke’s bay.
We represent over 350 businesses within the Central Business District (CBD), with our membership including retail, hospitality, trade, professional and service businesses, including landlords and tenants.
Our Association has two key roles, to provide a support network and advocate for local businesses as well as to develop strategies that enhance, promote Havelock North as the best place to shop, eat, stay, play and live.
Our aim is to make Havelock North the number one place in New Zealand to Shop, Eat, Stay, Play, Live and do business. We do this through marketing activities, vibrancy initiatives and providing support and advocacy to our members in the local business community.
Businesses located within our rated levy area receive an automatic membership to the Association through a commercial rates levy paid by the land owners to the Hastings District Council.
External businesses beyond the CBD can access equivalent perks as our regular members through external membership. The annual fee is $450 +gst. To learn more, click the button below, and we’ll connect with you for a comprehensive discussion about our membership. After applying, the HNBA board evaluates external applications based on location, Havelock North business community involvement, and benefits alignment.
We also consider complimentary associate memberships to registered not-for-profits and charity groups. Please also get in touch via the below enquiry button.
Membership Inclusions
The HNBA’s main role is to provide advocacy and support to our members as business owners and managers. We do this by building and maintaining strong relationships with external stakeholders such as the Hastings District Council. We also connect regularly with with other local business support providers and government agencies to ensure we are connecting our members with relevant information.
The Association’s volunteer board and council representatives meet bi-monthly to discuss new actions, where we sit with annual and strategic planning and other issues as they arise.
The association has 2 contracting roles which are the main point of contact for the HNBA. Our Association Manager, Emma McRobbie carries- out the directives and works on behalf of the board. Due to our recent growth we have also taken on a part-time Social Media and Administration Co-ordinator Marie Weber.
What we offer our members includes, but is not limited to:
- Local and domestic tourism marketing & promotion carried out in line with our annual plan
- Member connection and networking events
- Access to business development events
- E-newsletter updates of relevant business information
- Eligibility for election to the HNBA Board
We manage the havelocknorth.co.nz (& havelocknorthnz.com) which brings in 1000’s of unique visits per month. We monitor our SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) which helps our websites business listings to rank high in search engines (e.g. Google) searches which is a great benefit for our members to help connect with a wider audience. We aim to tie the majority of our marketing activity back to our website to add maximum value to our business listings.
Social Media
We curate the @LoveHavelockNorthNZ social media and have a combined 20,000 followers across Facebook and Instagram. We use our platforms to excite people about local happenings, events and of course to share our members’ businesses.
Member Events
The HNBA runs quarterly member connection and networking events and provides access to workshops and business development events through our friends at the Hawke’s Bay Chamber of Commerce
The Havelock North Business Association Board
The board for the Havelock North Business Association is made up of local business owners and representatives who are passionate about the Havelock North business community and its growth.
Annually, before the AGM we take nominations for new board members from our current membership. To submit your interest please get in touch with Emma McRobbie, the Association Manager.